Monday, January 26, 2009

Kimo "Piper" Aleman?!

I swear, sometimes I feel like I need to be an intellectual writer of sorts. I mean, thoughts run through my head that I mistake as confused randomocity (?!) but end up being written by other credible writers. Let me explain...

I must admit, first off, that in my 28 years of life, I had never once voted until this year. I'm not exactly sure why, but I think a lot of it has to do with apathy and feeling as though I wasn't adequately educated to make an informed decision. Plus, I didn't ever want to go by myself! No excuse, but it's what I was thinking. Plus, I felt it kind of dangerous that tons of people my age (probably mostly uneducated like me) were going out and voting simply because Puff Daddy told them to. Really?! 

Anyhow, this year (with the strong urgings of teachers at school) I felt like it the was the time to step out and vote. I mean, there are people all over the world literally dying for the freedom to make the choices that I take for granted. I head all the opinions and arguments for both sides, but really in my head I was thinking, "Does it even matter? God is in control and He is gonna put in place who He wants in place. I will do my duty, but I know and trust full-well that God is in control." I just have felt like it's gonna get a whole lot worse before Jesus comes back to get us anyway. Is that just me being naive? I have no idea. Regardless, I voted.

Back to my first point. All of this was running through my head but I could never get it all situated enough to think it was a valid enough thought to share with others...until I read a friend's blog that had posted an article by John Piper. Yes, in my opinion, I shared an intellectual thought with THE John least, I think so. He's comparing the crash landing of USAir Flight 1549 with the election of Barack Obama. God is in control. Here's a selection:

If God guides geese so precisely, he also guides the captain’s hands. God knew that when he took the plane down, he would also give a spectacular deliverance. So why would he do that? If he means for all to live, why not just skip the crash?

Because he meant to give our nation a parable of his power and mercy the week before a new President takes office. God can take down a plane any time he pleases—and if he does, he wrongs no one. Apart from Christ, none of us deserves anything from God but judgment. We have belittled him so consistently that he would be perfectly just to take any of us any time in any way he chooses.

But God is longsuffering. He is slow to anger. He withholds wrath every day. This is what we saw in the parable. The crash of Flight 1549 illustrates God’s right and power to judge. The landing of the plane represents God’s mercy. It was God’s call to all the passengers and all their families and all who heard the story to repent and turn to God’s Son, Jesus Christ, and receive forgiveness for sin.

He goes on to compare this to the election of Obama and the Lord's provision through it: 
As much as I reject Obama’s stance on abortion, I am thankful to the bottom of my soul that an African-American can be President of United States. The enormity of it all is unspeakable. This is God’s doing. The geese were God’s doing. The landing of Flight 1549 was God’s doing. And the Obama presidency is God’s doing. “He removes kings and sets up kings” (Daniel 2:21).

And I pray that President Obama has eyes to see. The “miracle on the Hudson” and the “miracle in the White House” are not unrelated. God has been merciful to us as a nation. Our racial sins deserved judgment a thousand times over. God does not owe America anything. We owe him everything. And instead of destruction, he has given us another soft landing. We are not dead at the bottom of the Hudson.

O that Barack Obama would see the mercies of God and look to the One whose blood bought everlasting life for all who trust him. The parables of God’s mercy are everywhere. The point of them is this: God is a just and patient Ruler, and Jesus Christ is a great Savior. Turn. Turn. Turn, O President of the United States and passengers of this planet.

All of that was basically what I was trying to say, right?! Ah whatever, just humor me! :) No matter where you stand in the realm of politics, our country is in desperate need of its Saviour! I would feel that way regardless of which political party is in office. Jesus, come quickly!

If you're interested in reading the entire article, here it is: The President, the Passengers, and the Patience of God


  1. I agree...

    ...with John Piper and you Kimo, he just has a little more experience writing but with this new blog of yours you are soon to catch up.

  2. I've thought for years & years if America is the equivelant to Titanic. I sure hope not. I'm hoping you and Piper's comparisons are preferred. Prayers go up.
