Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Singledom

"The disciples said to Him, 'If the relationship of the man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry." -Matthew 19:10

Am I okay being single? Yeah, I am. I'm okay with it for now. Society tells that by this point in my life I should already have been married for a couple years and possibly have a couple of kids, but that's where I think a lot of couples make the mistake of getting married too soon. I learned today in church that foundationally, marriage is the doing of God, but ultimately, it's the display of God to the world. Definitely changes my perspective. Am I seeking to be married because I want to make myself happy or because I want to make God happy? Does every aspect of my life (single or not) really show off who He is to those that don't know Him? Am I seeking Him first and foremost before anything else? Right now, I don't think that I can answer those questions with an emphatic YES!. So I'm okay being single. I want to be completely and utterly in love with Jesus. I want His love for others to seep out of my pores. I want His love to be more satisfying and intoxicating than anything else my heart and flesh longs for. Will I get there? I have no idea. But I know and trust that when He's ready, I will find the one that He has been preparing, if it's His will for me to be married. Yes, man was not meant to be alone, but with Christ in my life, I never am!  

1 comment:

  1. Correction: Its the Christian society that puts the pressure on to be married, not our society as a whole. The world shuns young marriages. Just to clarify...People in my corporate world were always shocked to hear the number of friends I had that were already married!


    P.S. Loving the new blog!
