Saturday, January 24, 2009

Random Thoughts...

Some things I've been thinking...

  1. Voicemail Messages: Why do people not do away with the silly operator that takes me through the millions of options? Do people really still want to send a numeric page?! Who does that? Just let me leave a message and quit wasting my minutes waiting for all the options that I never want to use!
  2. Survivor: I'm eager to watch the new season and even more eager to be on the season after that! Interviews start early March, so if I don't hear by the end of February, they've made a HUGE mistake. Regardless, it still remains my favorite show on TV...and that says a lot! 
  3. Guitar: I need to pick it up again. Why can't music come easily?! 
  4. Homeless: I drive by several homeless men (and a few women!) on my way home from work. I want so badly to help them, but a few things cross my mind. I never have cash because I spend it and usually just use my debit card instead. Plus, there's always that thought that runs through my head that says they'll just squander the money I give them foolishly. Who am I to judge, though?! Aren't we called to help the least of these regardless of how I feel about the way they'll use the money I give them? So I've come to a conclusion of sorts. I'm gonna start buying gift cards from restaurants that are in the area. I've challenged myself to buy a gift card or 2 whenever I buy food for myself. That way, when I'm stopped at an intersection I have something to give them. What do you think?
  5. Home: I've officially decided to move back to New Braunfels. There are a lot of reasons why and more things that I'm looking forward to getting back to. But that's for another blog...

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more with number one! It blows me away with the number of people that haven't turned that feature off. And I can't never remember what buttons to push to fast forward or skip through them.
